Thursday, April 22, 2010

can's believe were almost done!!!!!!!

Well the due date is approaching and i'am way nervous. I've done this two times before but for some reason this one has got me scared, i don't know if it's just that it feels like it's been forever or that my last two were so close that i didn't have time for it to sink in. Well there inducing May 27 so hopefully every thing goes good!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Smoochy

I just wanted to take a few minutes to let the love of my life know how much i love him! Cory you are my best friend. I I love that our kids look at you as there best friend and that you treat them like they are yours. I love that i wake up in the morning and your the first thing on my mind and the last thing on my mind when my head hits the pillow I LOE YOU!!! Thank you for being you!!!

our 4th

our 4th

memorial weekend

memorial weekend

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