Tuesday, July 7, 2009


we have found the closest thing to heaven on earth. It's a little park tucked up in a cozy neighbor hood in cedar hills, we have had an awesome time there hanging out and plying, i hate when we have to leave because it's like you have to come back to the real world.

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

We started our fourth of July by going to the parade with our family. It was great the kids had a way fun time and so did we! Well when we got there i locked the keys in the car so corys brother in law came and got him to go get his kit to unlock the door while me and charidee and the kids went to the park.( thanks so much Jamey and Char). We spent the night with corys cousin and there family and friends it was so fun! We watched fire works and had a big bb-q, by the end of the night the kiddos were poopered out so we went home it was a great fourth goood food, good friends and family and tonz and tonz of FUN!!!!!!!!!! What else could you ask for. Thanks so much to the troops that fight for are freedom every day Tyson and Jared cant wait for you to come home miss you guys!!!!!

our 4th

our 4th

memorial weekend

memorial weekend

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